Saturday, March 19, 2011


Why did I just spend 30 minutes looking at cloth diapers? Our eggs are being implanted today. I think this is probably jumping the gun. Don't you?


  1. Ha! We did the math recently and realized we changed 4,000 diapers since our 3 were born. If you are eager for some diaper experience, come on over to our house! :-)
    P.S. It is never too early for a day dream.

  2. NO! Especially when I sent you the link :)

  3. I love me some Mary! Glad you're back in Delhi!!

  4. You know Douglas, Bill and I started looking at strollers when we started this journey. Even though we are not quite there yet after some time of trying, it's a great way to keep your mind off the waiting. Good luck with everything it looks like things are off to a great start. So glad to have found your blog...looking forward to more posts.
